Shoorveer is an Indian Hindi language web series that was released on 15 July 2022 on Disney Plus Hotstar. The series is created by Samar Khan starring Kashmira Irani, Anjali Barot and Preeti Gupta as the main lead actors in the series.
The story revolves around an elite command force “Hawks” which consists of a combination of Army, Air Force, and Navy who are a joint task force where they undergo specialized training with Special Forces Operative where Ranjan Malik becomes India’s first responder who cracks unit against Red Alert Level 3 and receives higher threats that will be capable of coordinated attacks from all the ways air, land, and sea.
Crew Creator Samar Khan has depicted a story that is kind of similar to Tom Cruise’s Top Gun: Maverick. Although the show is not compared to the film, it has its fair share of similarities that exist with the central theme revolving around aerial action. The dogfights in the series are quite interesting and hold the attention of the viewers and even the ground action is choreographed well which leads to the greatest victory of the show. But the problem with Shoorveer lies in the writing pattern that is similar to other films and shows which are presented in the past and try to portray an action thriller series but there are no unique elements for the show which is quite disappointing…
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Overall, the series is a passable watch as it is fun to watch and the action sequences with the VFX effects are quite stunning and brilliantly portrayed on screen. It is a brave step for the Indian Television industry to showcase aerial action sequences that are choreographed well along with the music and cinematography that enhances the storyline and adds value to the series. But as the series progresses further, the show lacks the depth and intensity of an intriguing storyline and the poor execution of the scenes does not help in enhancing the plot.